The last 13 bits of the product of some continuous natural numbers 1.2.3 are all 0 What is the largest natural number?

The last 13 bits of the product of some continuous natural numbers 1.2.3 are all 0 What is the largest natural number?

If there are 13 zeros at the end, then there must be 13 factor 5. Every five continuous natural numbers contains at least one factor 513 * 5 = 651 -- 65. The multiples of 5 are 65 / 5 = 13. The multiples of 25 are 25 and 50

Multiply several natural numbers, such as 1, 2, 3, 4, etc. together. If it is known that the last 13 bits of the product are exactly 0, then what is the minimum natural number?

For every natural number decomposition prime factor, only factor 2 and 5 are multiplied to get a 0, then at least 13 factor 2 and 13 factor 5 are needed. There are many factor 2, so we mainly consider 5. To get 13 factor 5
5,10,15,20,30,35,40,45,55 can each get a factor 5, a total of 9
25,50 each can get 2 factors 5, a total of 4
Then it has to go up to 55

When several continuous natural numbers 1,2,3 starting from 1 are multiplied together and the last thirteen digits of the product are all exactly 0, what is the minimum number of the last natural number
I want the second question

For every natural number decomposition prime factor, only factor 2 and 5 are multiplied to get a 0, then at least 13 factor 2 and 13 factor 5 are needed. There are many factor 2, so we mainly consider 5. To get 13 factor 5
5,10,15,20,30,35,40,45,55 can each get a factor 5, a total of 9
25,50 each can get 2 factors 5, a total of 4
Then it has to go up to 55