M is a natural number greater than 10, M + 2 is a multiple of 3, M + 3 is a multiple of 4, M + 4 is a multiple of 5, M + 5 is a multiple of 6, what is m?

M is a natural number greater than 10, M + 2 is a multiple of 3, M + 3 is a multiple of 4, M + 4 is a multiple of 5, M + 5 is a multiple of 6, what is m?


The greatest common factor of non-zero natural number m.n, n = 1, m.n is

Because n has only one factor 1

If a + 1 (A and B are both natural numbers, and a is not equal to), then the greatest common factor () and the least common multiple () of a and B

If a + 1 = B, then a and B are coprime numbers, then the greatest common factor (1) and the least common multiple of a and B are (AB)