The width of both the outer lane and the inner lane on the runway is 0.6 meters. In the 200 meter race, compared with the inner lane, how many meters should the starting point of the outer lane go forward?

The width of both the outer lane and the inner lane on the runway is 0.6 meters. In the 200 meter race, compared with the inner lane, how many meters should the starting point of the outer lane go forward?

2 * 0.6 π M

If the starting point of 100 meter run is designed on the 200 meter runway, if the width of the runway is 1 meter, how many meters should the second runway move forward than the first runway?

Move forward π M
The diameter of the first circle is 200 / π, and the semicircle circumference of the first circle is 100 meters
Because the runway is one meter wide, the diameter of the second lap is 200 / π + 2 meters
The semicircle circumference of the second circle is 100 + π M
Therefore, the runway should be moved forward by π M

Finding (2a + axb-3b) x (- a) with the module of vector a * b = 2. A as 1
X is a directional product, not a quantitative product

Law of association: (λ a) · B = λ (a · b) = (a · λ b)
Then through the law of distribution: (a + b) · C = a · C + B · C (Law of distribution);
A · B = B · a (commutative law)
(2a +axb-3b)x(-a)=-2a^2-(ab)a+3ba
There seems to be something wrong with the title