11. For two given sets a and B, a and B belong to a and B___ The set of elements is called the intersection of a and B

11. For two given sets a and B, a and B belong to a and B___ The set of elements is called the intersection of a and B

For two given sets a and B, the set consisting of (all) elements belonging to a and B is called the intersection of a and B

Do two different sets of elements intersect
For example, a = {x | y = x ^ 2-2x-3, X ∈ r}, B = {y | y = x ^ 2-2x-3, X ∈ r} some words teach how to solve

A set represents the set of all numbers in the domain of definition y = x ^ 2-2x-3, X ∈ R
B set represents the set of all numbers in the range of y = x ^ 2-2x-3, X ∈ R
So a = R,
Y = x ^ 2-2x-3 = (x-1) & sup2; - 4 ≥ - 4, so B = [- 4, + ∞)
So a ∩ B = [- 4, + ∞)

Do two sets representing different elements intersect?

Set operation mainly depends on the essence of the elements in the set, not on the letter in the form
For example, a = {x | x > 1}, B = {y | y}