The number of common divisors of 9 and 24 is (). A.1 B.2 C.3 D.4 1 / 5 of a is equal to 30% of B, and the ratio of B to a is (). A.3:2 b.2:3 c.5:6 d.3:4 cut a square of 1 cubic centimeter into two rectangles, Surface area () A. increase 2 square centimeter B. increase 1 square centimeter C. no increase D. unable to decide 1 and 4 / 5 hours = () minutes () / 24 = 3 / 8-24: (). Calculation question. 3048 + 204 * 14 / 56 2 and 3 / 5 + 4.6 + 3 and 2 / 5 + 5.41 / (4 and 1 / 7-0.05 * 70) * 1 and 2 / 7 (0.36 * 7.4 + 0.36 * 2.6) * 3 and 4 / 50.56 * (2 and 5 / 12-1 and 19 / 60 + 2.375) / 0.514.7 * 98 + 14.7 * 3-14.7 Especially the calculation problem, thank you first,

The number of common divisors of 9 and 24 is (). A.1 B.2 C.3 D.4 1 / 5 of a is equal to 30% of B, and the ratio of B to a is (). A.3:2 b.2:3 c.5:6 d.3:4 cut a square of 1 cubic centimeter into two rectangles, Surface area () A. increase 2 square centimeter B. increase 1 square centimeter C. no increase D. unable to decide 1 and 4 / 5 hours = () minutes () / 24 = 3 / 8-24: (). Calculation question. 3048 + 204 * 14 / 56 2 and 3 / 5 + 4.6 + 3 and 2 / 5 + 5.41 / (4 and 1 / 7-0.05 * 70) * 1 and 2 / 7 (0.36 * 7.4 + 0.36 * 2.6) * 3 and 4 / 50.56 * (2 and 5 / 12-1 and 19 / 60 + 2.375) / 0.514.7 * 98 + 14.7 * 3-14.7 Especially the calculation problem, thank you first,

① A
Too tired to look at the calculation problems

Is 2K π 360?
In the future, when I express 360, can I change it to 2K π

360 degrees is two PI
K * 360 ° is 2K π

Change - 3290 to K × 360 ° + α (0 ° ≤ α)

Divide by - 90, - 329
So the answer is - 50 * 360-40