Huang Li walks 3000 meters in an eighth hour. How many thousand hours does it take him to walk 1000 meters?

Huang Li walks 3000 meters in an eighth hour. How many thousand hours does it take him to walk 1000 meters?

One eighth / three fourths = one sixth (hour)
A: it takes one sixth of an hour to walk one thousand meters

Uncle Li walks for a quarter of an hour every day and walks 3000 meters. How many hours does it take him to walk a kilometer

1 / 4 △ 3 / 4 = 1 / 3 hour

A quarter of an hour to walk 3000 meters, each step of a kilometer to a few hours

1 / 4 (3 / 4) = 1 / 3 hour
It takes one third of an hour to walk one kilometer at a time

How many hours does it take for someone to walk 34 kilometers in 18 hours? The formula is ()
A. 1000÷34B. 34÷18C. 18÷34D. 1000÷18

It takes 917 hours to walk one kilometer

Mischievous family lives on the fifth floor. There are 20 stairs on each floor. How many stairs does he have to walk from the first floor to the fifth floor

80 stairs to death
There are only four floors from the first floor to the fifth floor. 4 * 20 is 80

Mischievous in calculating a subtraction problem, will be subtracted on the hundreds of 7 as 1, will be subtracted on the tens of 9 as 6, the wrong answer is 150, can you help him to work out the correct result?


Xiaohua walks 4 kilometers in 0.8 hours. According to this calculation, how many hours does it take to walk 1 kilometer? The formula is (); how many kilometers does it take to walk 1 hour: the formula is ()

Xiaohua walks 4 kilometers in 0.8 hours. According to this calculation, how many hours does it take to walk 1 kilometer? The formula is (1 / (4 / 0.8) = 0.2 hours); how many kilometers does it take to walk 1 hour: the formula is (1 * 4 / 0.8 = 5 kilometers)
If you don't understand, ask me again, I'll be more detailed,

The circumference of the trunk of a big tree is 157 cm. What is the cross-sectional area of the trunk of this big tree?

The radius is 157 △ 3.14 △ 2 = 25 (CM), the area of cross section is 3.14 × 252 = 1962.5 (cm 2), a: the area of cross section is 1962.5 cm 2

Xiaoqiang travels 5000 meters in one third of an hour. According to this calculation, how many kilometers can he travel in one hour?

5\3 *3=5
Five thousand meters in an hour

Xiaoqiang travels 5000 meters in one third of an hour. How many kilometers does it take for him to travel one hour and how many hours does it take for him to travel one kilometer?

It takes (5 / 6) * 3 = (5 / 2) km for another hour
It takes him 6 / 15 hours to travel a kilometer