Calculation: (2 / 5 + 1 / 3) * 5 / 22, which can be easily calculated

Calculation: (2 / 5 + 1 / 3) * 5 / 22, which can be easily calculated

Original formula = 2 / 5 * (5 / 22) + 1 / 3 * (5 / 22)

Simple calculation of 5 / 33 * 22 * 1 / 2

5/33 X 22 X 1/2
= 5/33 X 11 X 2 X 1/2
= 55/33 X 2/2
= 5/3
= 1+ 2/3

Simple calculation of (1 + 2 / 3) × (1-2 / 3) × (1 + 2 / 5) × (1-2 / 5) ×. (1 + 2)
Simple calculation of (1 + 2 / 3) × (1-2 / 3) × (1 + 2 / 5) × (1-2 / 5) ×. (1 + 2 / 99) × (1-2 / 99)

(1+2/3)x(1-2/3)x(1+2/5)x(1-2/5)x...x(1+2/99)x(1-2/99)=(1-2/3)x(1+2/3)x(1-2/5)x(1+2/5)x(1-2/7)x(1+2/7)...x(1-2/97)x(1+2/97)x(1-2/99)x(1+2/99)=1/3 x 5/3 x 3/5 x 7/5 x 5/7 x 9/7 ...x 95/97 x 99/97 x 97/9...

Simple operation of 2.2 * 3 / 8 + 2.22 * 5 / 8

It should be 2.2 * 3 / 8 + 2.2 * 5 / 8

3.2 / 4 / 7 + 2, which can be easily calculated


Simple calculation of 1.7 times 3.6 plus 6.4

Original formula = 1.7x3.6 + 6.4

Simple calculation of 3.8 × 2.7 + 38 × 0.73


3 and 1 / 7 x (3 and 1 / 7 - 7 and 1 / 3) x 7 / 22 △ 1 and 1 / 21 calculation

3 and 1 / 7 x (3 and 1 / 7 - 7 and 1 / 3) x 7 / 22 △ 1 and 1 / 21
=22/7 x7/22× (22/7 - 22/3)x 21/22
= (22/7-22/3)×21/22

1 + 3 + 5 +. + 19 + 21 = () * () = (), how to calculate,

1+3+5+.+19+21=(1+21 )+(3+19)+.+(9+13) +11=(5.5)*(22)=(121 ),

In triangle ABC, a plus B minus AB equals C, which triangle is 3S triangle ABC

A plus B minus AB equals C
According to the cosine theorem, C = π / 3
But what's the meaning of "3S under double root"?