Simple calculation of 22 × 556 + 888 × 111

Simple calculation of 22 × 556 + 888 × 111

It should be 222 × 556 + 888 × 111

The smallest six digits are more than the largest five digits. 1. 4. Starting from one digit, the fifth digit is ten thousand, and the counting unit on the ninth digit is one hundred million. 5. The right digit of one million is ten million. 6. The mantissa after omitting ten thousand is six hundred thousand, The minimum number is 595000

Wrong, wrong, wrong, right

The score less than 17 and more than 19 is only 18______ (judge right or wrong)

Because 17 = 963 = 18126 ,19=763=14126… The scores less than 17 and more than 19 are: 18, 863, 15126, 16126, 17126

11 + 7 = 2 how to move only one match to make the formula hold
How to make 11 + 7 = 2 move 1 root correctly?

Move the bottom match of 2 to the middle of the two 1s to make it:

How is 4444 equal to 4


How many 4 from 1 to 4444
All brothers and sisters, help me solve this problem. My head is going to explode

Simple: as long as you work out a few numbers in 4444 numbers without 4, the process is: 4444, the number can be taken only 0, 1, 2, 3, a total of 4; the number can be taken only 0, 1, 2, 3, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, a total of 9; the number can be taken only 0, 1, 2, 3, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, a total of 9; the number can be taken only 0, 1, 2, 3, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, a total of 9

1111 2222 3333 4444 addition, subtraction, multiplication and division equals 100
It can only be used once,


Calculation (addition, subtraction, multiplication and division)
1、 (- 5 / 7) + 1.4
2、 3 / 2 - [(- 1.5) + 0.5]
3、 (- 7.75) - (- 3.5) (+ 0.75) - (- 8.5)
4、 1 / 5 * 1 / 2 * (- 15) + 7 * (- 1 / 2)
5、 - 3 * 4 + 12 * (1 / 3-5 / 2)
6、 (- 8) / 4 * (- 3)
7、 1 / 6 / (- 4 / 3) / (- 0.25)
8、 (- 1.6) * 0.4 / (- 0.5)
9、 (- 3 / 4) * (- 1.5) / (- 2.25)
Calculation by simple method
1、 (+ 14) + (- 4) + (- 1) + (+ 16) + (- 5)
2、 (- 18.65) + (2.75) + (+ 18.15)
3、 7 / 13 * (- 9) + 7 / 13 * (- 18) + 7 / 13
4、 - 147 * (- 0.125) + 253 * 1 / 8 + 72 * (- 1 / 4)

5 / 2
three point five
I'll do it tomorrow

To solve the equation: 48 + 5x = 63, take 5x as a () 48 + 5x-48 = 63 - () 5x = () 5x △ 5=
Solution equation: 48 + 5x = 63
Think of 5x as a ()
48+5x-48=63-( )
5x=( )
5x÷5=( )÷( )
x=( )
Check the left 48 + 5x = 48 + 5x () = () and the right number (). So x = () is the solution of the original equation

Solution equation: 48 + 5x = 63
Think of 5x as a whole
48+5x-48=63-( 48 )
5x=( 15 )
5x÷5=( 15 )÷( 5 )
x=( 3 )
Check the left 48 + 5x = 48 + 5x (3) = (63), and the right number (equal). So x = (3) is the solution of the original equation

48 + 5x = 63 to solve the equation

5x=63 -48=15
X = 15 divided by 5 = 3
Please accept my answer as the best