How many numbers are bigger than 0.7 and smaller than 0.8? How many two decimal places are bigger than 0.7 and smaller than 0.8

How many numbers are bigger than 0.7 and smaller than 0.8? How many two decimal places are bigger than 0.7 and smaller than 0.8

How many numbers are 90.7 larger than 0.8?
Suddenly, there are countless words. You can't count them all your life=
How many two decimal places are bigger than 0.7 and smaller than 0.8
Calm down, I'll count
0.71 0.72 0.73 0.74 0.75 0.76 0.77 0.78 0.79
Because the title is smaller than 0.8, it is impossible to have 0.8=

7 cm can be written as 7100 meters or 7% meters______ (judge right or wrong)

According to the meaning of percentage, it can be seen that percentage can not represent a specific quantity. Therefore, it is wrong to express 7100 meters as 7% meters

True or false: 7 / 100 km can be written as 7% km ()

7 / 100 km can be written as 7% km (×)
Because the meaning of percentage is: it means that one number is the percentage of another number, and 7% km is a number

How to calculate 6-80% x = 2


(1) (x+960)×80%=x-832 (2) (2x-3)÷7=59-2x (3) 75%x+40%×(14-x)=...
(1) (x+960)×80%=x-832
(2) (2x-3)÷7=59-2x
(3) 75%x+40%×(14-x)=50%×14
(4) 3/5x=(x+10)×3/5
(5) 1/2+1/6+1/12+1/20+1/30+1/42

1. X-x * 80% = 960 * 80% + 8320.2x = 768 + 8320.2x = 1600x = 320002. 2x-3 = (59-2x) * 72x + 2x * 7 = 59 * 7 + 316x = 416X = 263. 75% x-40% x = 50% × 14-40% * 1435% x = 10% * 14x = 44.3 / 5x = 3 / 5x + 6 wrong 5.1 / 2 + 1 / 6 = 2 / 3 2 / 3 + 1 / 12 = 3 / 4 3 /

How to calculate 5x ten (5.5-x) X3 = 22.5


5 out of 42 * 28% = checking

One thirtieth (0.0333333)

42 × (5 out of 14 + 1 out of 6)

42 × (5 / 14 + 1 / 6)
=5 / 42 × 14 + 1 / 42 × 6

Calculation: 3 + 5 +2005=( )


How to calculate "6 / 5 of 42 is equal to () 2 / 1."?
