What is the decomposition quality factor of 12? Is there a standard definition?

What is the decomposition quality factor of 12? Is there a standard definition?

Decomposing prime factor refers to decomposing the original number with prime number. Prime number is only 1 and its two divisors, so the prime factor of 12 decomposing is 12 / 2 = 6,6 / 2 = 3.3, which is already prime number, so the prime factor of 12 decomposing is 2,2,3

18 = decomposition quality factor


Decomposition quality factor 18 66 102



Because there are a total of 1000 / 2 = 500 numbers, pairing them is just 250 groups
Among the 250 groups, 125 got 2, 125 got - 2, and the sum of - 2 got 0

The sum of one third and one fourth multiplied by a number equals seven eighths. What's the number

0.5 and 2 are reciprocal

0.5 and 2 are reciprocal?
0.5=1 / 2,
2 and 1 / 2 are reciprocal
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