6 judgment questions Non zero natural numbers are either prime numbers or composite numbers A circle with a radius of 2 cm has the same perimeter and area When the diameter of the wheel is fixed, the distance traveled is directly proportional to the number of wheel revolutions 3 / 8 of the numerator plus 6, in order to keep the size of the fraction unchanged, the denominator should be expanded to 6 times the original Add 0 to the end of the decimal or remove 0, the size of the decimal remains unchanged Two cylinders have the same volume and the same surface area

6 judgment questions Non zero natural numbers are either prime numbers or composite numbers A circle with a radius of 2 cm has the same perimeter and area When the diameter of the wheel is fixed, the distance traveled is directly proportional to the number of wheel revolutions 3 / 8 of the numerator plus 6, in order to keep the size of the fraction unchanged, the denominator should be expanded to 6 times the original Add 0 to the end of the decimal or remove 0, the size of the decimal remains unchanged Two cylinders have the same volume and the same surface area

1 wrong. 1 is neither prime nor composite
2 wrong. The unit of perimeter is centimeter and the unit of area is square centimeter. The values are the same, they are all 12.56
3 pairs
4 wrong, the numerator will be tripled after adding 6, and the denominator will be tripled
Yes, five
If the volume is equal, the bottom radius and height may be different, and the surface area may or may not be equal

A composite number a, the decomposition prime factor is: a = 2 × 2 × 3 × 3, then a total of () factors
Just fill in the blanks,

A composite number a, the decomposition prime factor is: a = 2 × 2 × 3 × 3, then a total of (9) factors

21 out of 22 times 8
How much is it

84 out of 11