How many centimeters is a unit of 4 inches? Conversion relations and results

How many centimeters is a unit of 4 inches? Conversion relations and results

13.32 cm
1 inch = 3.33 cm

How many centimeters is 4 inches

Your inch here should be inch
One inch is about 2.54 cm
So 4 inches equals 2.54 × 4 = 10.16 (CM)

1.9 decimeter equals several decimeters and several centimeters

1.9 decimeters
=19 cm

48 × 25 = 12 × 4 × 25 = 12 × (4 × 25) = 1200 what law of multiplication is used?

48 = 12 × 4 uses the distributive law of multiplication;
12 × 4 × 25 = 12 × (4 × 25) uses the associative law of multiplication

The ratio is 1 / 4

The sum of 3 / 10 and 1 / 5 is equal to 3 / 4 of a number
Planned output:
Actual output: 24 tons (1 / 3 higher than planned)
A, B and C each have a number of stamps. The stamps of a are 2 / 3 of that of B, and the stamps of B are 3 / 4 of that of C. It is known that B has 72 stamps. How many stamps do a and C each have?
Hee hee, give me 25

48 96

Two thirds of 90 is equal to three fourths of a certain number. What's the number? (solve the equation)

Let this number be X

What is the sum of 50 percent plus two-thirds equal to two-thirds of a number?

This number is one and three-quarters, 50% plus two-thirds = seven sixths, and then seven sixths divided by two-thirds = one and three-quarters

(1 / 2-1 / 3 + 1 / 6) times 24=


2 out of 15 times 5 out of 16 times 20, 1 out of 4 times 24 times 8 out of 3, thank you
