What's three and nine fifths?

What's three and nine fifths?

9 / 30 = 3 + 9 / 50 = 159 / 50

How many meters is fifty centimeters


How many centimeters is 50 inches
How many centimeters is 50 inches
How many centimeters is 60 inches
How many centimeters is 70 inches?
Please help me to calculate,
How many centimeters by how many centimeters is a 50 inch TV screen? And so on

50 inches is 127 centimeters
60 inches is 152.4 centimeters
70 inches is 177.8 centimeters

For non-zero natural numbers a and B, if B is equal to one fourth of a, then the greatest common factor of AB is? And the least common multiple is?

The greatest common factor is B and the least common multiple is a because they are multiple relations, that is to say, a is four times of B

A divided by B equals 0.5, the greatest common factor of AB? The least common multiple?

The greatest common factor is a and the least common multiple is B

The greatest common factor of a and B is () and the least common multiple is ()

A △ B is equal to 4. A and B are natural numbers. The greatest common factor of a and B is (b), and the least common multiple is (a)

A is equal to 3 * 2 * x B is equal to 3 * 5 * X. what is the minimum common multiple of a B? The maximum common factor of AB is 21

The least common multiple of AB = a × B △ 21 = 210

If a is equal to two times three times five and B is equal to twenty-two percent three, then the greatest common factor of AB is the least common multiple of ab

Given a = 2 * 2 * 2 * 3, B = 2 * 2 * 3 * 5, what are the greatest common factor and least common multiple of AB

Greatest common factor: 2x2x3 = 12
Multiple: 2x52x3120
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A △ B = 4 (AB is not 0), then the greatest common factor of a and B is (), the least common multiple () speed

The greatest common factor is B and the least common multiple is a