Need Sun Yat Sen's patriotic story

Need Sun Yat Sen's patriotic story

The story of Sun Yat Sen and "revitalizing China" in 1894, Sun Yat Sen founded the earliest revolutionary group, the Xingzhong Association, in Honolulu (now in the United States) on the Pacific Ocean. As the name suggests, the Xingzhong association means revitalizing China. In the declaration of its establishment, Sun Yat Sen clearly pointed out that the purpose of establishing this association was "to revitalize China."

Poems in praise of Sun Yat sen

Song Dingyu -- on the occasion of the 140th anniversary of Dr. Sun Yat Sen, a wall has cut off the spirit of many centuries, the hazy moon has shaken off the ground, the cool ice of zero degree, the mellow highland barley wine can not cover up your fiery heart, the palace of literature, the paradise of spirit

Sun Yat Sen's explanation of sentences
May I ask Dr. Sun Yat Sen's explanation of this sentence: "China's affairs have always been in a state of depression, which can not be done without sitting, and which can not be known without sitting."

China's cause can not be revitalized, not in the lack of action, but because of ignorance
Sit: basically can also be understood as implicate, implicate

Sun Yat Sen's English introduction should be simple (must be super simple) 10 sentences!
Say it tonight!

1,Sun Yat-sen was a Chinese doctor,revolutionary and political leader.2,As the foremost pioneer of Nationalist China,Sun is frequently referred to as the Founding Father of Republican China,a view agr...