English translation The rain brings sorrow, but he refuses to carry it away Already red leaves in the forest, geese call again and again Half of the Castle Peak is fading away Who is the same as Qian? Again, autumn and Yunping, the West Tower is full of wind

English translation The rain brings sorrow, but he refuses to carry it away Already red leaves in the forest, geese call again and again Half of the Castle Peak is fading away Who is the same as Qian? Again, autumn and Yunping, the West Tower is full of wind

Rain, you bring sorrow, why don't you take it away? It's time for maple leaves to hang on the top of the forest, and geese flying south are calling to their companions in the air. Usually, the green green hills can only see half of them

For a few English poems about love, or essays, or poems! Chinese translation is the best!

You smile and talked to me of nothing and I felt that for this I had been waiting long

Please tell me the poems about Sun Yat Sen!

Li Jishen is not afraid of the grave sweeper's white head, but the trees are green in Zhongshan. Huangpu was clearly in the same boat in those days, and I remember going back to visit. Li Jishen is not afraid of the grave sweeper's white head. After ten years of not visiting the tomb of Mr. Sun Yat Sen, I feel like I am looking forward to it today