1 / 2 / 3 / 4 / 5 / 6, add a bracket in the formula to maximize the result What's the biggest one?

1 / 2 / 3 / 4 / 5 / 6, add a bracket in the formula to maximize the result What's the biggest one?


9-8 + 7 + 654 * 3 + 2 + 1 = 2005 add a bracket in the formula to make the equation hold

What a difficult topic
The parentheses don't hold anywhere
Brain cells are dead
A lot. The main building is with you
Primary school fourth grade topic, sweat
I'm almost a doctoral student, but I can't get it
They certainly didn't learn any positive and negative numbers, so they don't need to start from this point of view. It's also useless to add parentheses between the plus sign and the plus sign, so the starting point is at the multiplication
But I tried many times and failed

Add brackets to the following equation to make the equation hold. 90-30 △ 3 × 5 = 100, 240 △ 40 + 20 × 2 =
Add brackets to the following formula to make the equation true
90-30÷3×5 =100 240÷40+20×2=8 6×21÷3=42 4+6×21-3=180


Given the square of (X-2) + 2x-3y-a | = 0, if y is a positive number, then the value range of a is ()

0 to 4

(minus 27 / 8 + what) divided by the square of (minus 7) = 0

What = 27 / 8

Why is the negative third power of two-thirds equal to twenty-seven eighties

-The third power is the reciprocal of the third power
2 / 3 to the third power = 8 / 27
Take the reciprocal
So it's 27 out of 8

What is the minus two-thirds power of minus twenty-seven eighties?

A rectangular board is 24 cm long. If one fifth of its length is rejected, the board will become a square?

How to solve the problem:
Because when sawing, the short side will not change, only the long side will change
So 24 × (1-1 / 5) = 96 / 5cm, we can calculate the side length of the square
Then s = 24 × 96 / 5 = 460.8 square centimeter, the rectangular area is obtained