Add, subtract, multiply, divide and parentheses to make the equation true 4 4 4 4=0 4 4 4 4=1 4 4 4 4= 5 4 4 4 4= 9 4 4 4 4=24 4 4 4 4=24 4 4 4 4=28 4 4 4 4=68

Add, subtract, multiply, divide and parentheses to make the equation true 4 4 4 4=0 4 4 4 4=1 4 4 4 4= 5 4 4 4 4= 9 4 4 4 4=24 4 4 4 4=24 4 4 4 4=28 4 4 4 4=68

4 +4- 4- 4=0
4 /4 *4 /4=1
(4 *4 +4)/ 4= 5
4 +4 +4 /4= 9
4* 4 +4+ 4=24
(4 +4)* 4- 4=28
4 *4* 4+ 4=68

Add, subtract, multiply, divide and bracket in the following formula to make the equation true
What is the idea of 9 = 20?

(idea: 18 + 2 = 20)

Add add add subtract multiply divide bracket between 16 6, equal to 2011

(6×6×6+6×6)×(6+(6+6)÷6)-(6+6+6+6+6)÷6 =2011
I hope I can help you~