Find the rule and add the number 1,8,27,( ),125,216,. There are also 12 / () = 0.75 = 24 / 24 () = (); 4 = ()% as required, so that their greatest common factor is 1 1. Both books are prime numbers; () and () 2. Both books are composite numbers; () and (). 3 are prime numbers and composite numbers; () and ()

Find the rule and add the number 1,8,27,( ),125,216,. There are also 12 / () = 0.75 = 24 / 24 () = (); 4 = ()% as required, so that their greatest common factor is 1 1. Both books are prime numbers; () and () 2. Both books are composite numbers; () and (). 3 are prime numbers and composite numbers; () and ()

1,8,27,(64 ),125,216,.
1³ 2³ 3³ (4³) 5³ 6³ .

Find the rules and fill in the numbers: 5,3,10,4,15, (), ()

Odd: 5, 10, 15, 20
Even items: 3, 4, 5, 6
Therefore, brackets should be filled with 5 and 20

2 / 3,1 and 1 / 3,2,2 and 2 / 3,3 and 1 / 3,4, (), (), 6. Find out the difference between the 100th number and the 50th number