|X-Y | = under the root sign (x + y) twice + () The answer is - 4xy, who can tell me,

|X-Y | = under the root sign (x + y) twice + () The answer is - 4xy, who can tell me,

Add (- 4xy) = x2 + y2-2xy = (X-Y) 2
And then we're going to square it up to | X-Y|

Let f (x) = (1 + x) ∧ 6 (1-x) ∧ 5, then the coefficient of X ∧ 3 in F '(x) is

Because the previous bracket can only produce even number of times, so the cubic term can only be produced from the square term of the previous bracket
If you have any questions, please ask. If you have any help, please adopt it!

(2010 - Changchun three mode) set f (x) = (2x+1) 6, then the coefficient of X3 in F (x) derivative function f '(x) expansion is ().
A. 960B. 480C. 240D. 160

According to the meaning of the question, f (x) = (2x + 1) 6, then f ′ (x) = 12 (x + 1) 5, combined with binomial theorem, the term containing X3 is 12c52 (2x) 3 = 960x3; so a