On binomial constant term In binomial expansion calculation, why do some make n minus r equal to 0, some make n minus r equal to other numbers? I don't know why. According to which judgment

On binomial constant term In binomial expansion calculation, why do some make n minus r equal to 0, some make n minus r equal to other numbers? I don't know why. According to which judgment

The constant term of binomial expansion does not contain letters, so we only need to make the exponent of letters zero in the general term

What are the definitions of those terms in binomial (such as rational term, irrational term, constant term, integral term)

The exponent of the rational term x is an integer term
Irrational term x index is not an integer term
A term with constant term x and exponent 0
I don't think I've heard of the integral item. We're reviewing it now. I don't think I've seen it

How to find the constant term in binomial Be more detailed!

Find the general term, let N equal to zero, the coefficient is a constant term