The square of 3x to the fourth power of 2x to the fourth power of 7x-3 is the expression of () degree (), in which the coefficient of the highest degree term is (), and the constant term is ()

The square of 3x to the fourth power of 2x to the fourth power of 7x-3 is the expression of () degree (), in which the coefficient of the highest degree term is (), and the constant term is ()

The square of 3x - the fourth power of 2x - 7x-3 is the formula of (4) degree (4), where the coefficient of the highest degree term is (- 2), and the constant term is (- 3)

Factorization: a (1-A) - (A-1) square

Extracting common factors

The third power of one meter is one cubic meter, so what is the fourth power of one meter?

There is no fourth power of meter. A cubic meter is the cubic meter