What is the coefficient of the fourth power of a - the square of 2a, the square of B + the fourth power of B, the number of times and the number of terms

What is the coefficient of the fourth power of a - the square of 2a, the square of B + the fourth power of B, the number of times and the number of terms

It should be that the coefficients of each term are 1, - 2,1 respectively; the number of times is 4 and the number of terms is 3

The square of 4x-3 and the fourth power of a-2a, the square of B + the fourth power of B
By the way, the score is over 20

The coefficient 4x & # 178; - 3 is the number of terms 2 to the power of 4
The fourth power of a - the square of 2a, the square of B + the fourth power of B = (A & # 178; - B & # 178;) &# 178; = (a-b) &# 178; (a + b) &# 178;

The calculation of determinant of order n in linear algebra

Use the property of determinant to form upper triangle determinant as shown in the figure. The economic mathematics team will help you solve it, please adopt it in time