If the hollow part of a 5-hollow copper ball with a volume of 30cm and a mass of 178g is filled with aluminum, what is the mass of aluminum?

If the hollow part of a 5-hollow copper ball with a volume of 30cm and a mass of 178g is filled with aluminum, what is the mass of aluminum?

V copper = m copper / ρ copper = 178g / 8.9g/cm & # 179; = 20cm & # 179;
V aluminum = V total - V copper = 30cm & # 179; - 20cm & # 179; = 10cm & # 179;
M al = ρ al V al = 2.7g/cm & # 179; × 10cm & # 179; = 27g
A: the mass of aluminum is 27g
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A hollow copper ball with a volume of 20 cubic centimeters and a mass of 89 grams. If the hollow part is filled with lead, the total mass of the ball will be reduced

Find the volume of copper in this material
Volume = mass / density
Finding the volume of lead
Seeking the quality of lead
Total mass = 89g + 113g = 202g

The volume of the hollow copper ball is 30 cubic centimeters, and its mass is 89 grams. When the hollow part is filled with water, its total mass is 89 grams

V copper = m copper / P copper = 89g / 8.9g/cm ^ 3 = 10cm ^ 3
V water = V-V copper = 30cm ^ 3-10cm ^ 3 = 20cm ^ 3
Then: m water = V water * P water = 20cm ^ 3 * 1g / cm ^ 3 = 20g;
The total mass m = m copper + m water = 109G;
This answer is not rigorous enough. The air quality in the hollow copper ball is not included. However, the answer should be 109G, and the air should not be considered