The circumference of a tree is 85 cm and the length is about 5 meters. How many cubic meters are there?

The circumference of a tree is 85 cm and the length is about 5 meters. How many cubic meters are there?

It's too simple. Find the radius from the perimeter. If you have the radius, you know the area of the bottom, and then find the volume

What can a tree tell us

Yan Xue's mahogany flower is as big as a soup bowl. It's deep orange. The huge and bright flowers are so beautiful that they make people dizzy. No wonder even the birds sing loudly
Peach blossom tree is what a tree can tell us. It was selected into the second volume of the sixth grade Chinese textbook of pep
Naturally, the tree itself can't speak. The text tells us through the mouth of a tree grower. Compared with ordinary tree growers, Lin Qingxuan's tree growers are very strange: first, the time of watering is not fixed, and the amount of watering is not certain; second, he seems to know that some trees will wither mysteriously, but in the face of withered trees, he doesn't show the slightest fuss, In the face of the strange behavior of the tree growers, the readers, like the author, are full of doubts
If you water it every day, won't mahogany die When the author tells the tree grower all these doubts, the tree grower's words are very simple, but full of philosophy
If I come to water every day and water a certain amount regularly every day, the seedlings will develop a heart of dependence, and the roots will float on the surface and can't go deep into the ground. Once I stop watering, the seedlings will wither more. Fortunately, the surviving seedlings will fall down in a storm
The experience of tree growers is exactly the life code that a grown tree can tell us: the tree itself should learn to find water in the land, rather than rely on the watering and cultivation of tree growers. Only the tree that finds water in uncertainty and takes root desperately can grow into a hundred year old tree
From the growth of a tree, the writer thinks of the growth of human beings
Not only trees, but also people. People who live in uncertainty can stand the test of life and exercise an independent heart
It is Lin Qingxuan's consistent writing technique to associate a tree or a flower with a person, and a grain of sand or a drop of water with the whole world. In fact, all things are of the same origin, and this association is extremely natural. Although it is very common in literary creation to use things to describe people, Lin Qingxuan's skillful, delicate and unpretentious use of this technique is quite different, I think Lin Qingxuan's Buddhist background makes him fully understand everything in the world. This kind of understanding often turns into a kind of compassionate feeling. In his eyes full of warmth, he sees a kind of wisdom of life and gives people spiritual comfort
In this "mahogany", we can also feel this
Trees absorb water in uncertainty, struggle hard, and survive in the scorching sun and wilderness. Such a tree can grow into a hundred year old tree. Similarly, for a person, to live in uncertainty is to endure many unexpected setbacks and difficulties, and to mature in constant testing and tempering. Such a person "will exercise an independent heart". How can a person grow up, How to be full of wisdom, how to be strong in the face of the ups and downs of the world, we should learn to look for water and absorb nutrients like a mahogany, instead of relying on and waiting passively. This truth is clearly told by the author, which is inspired by the growth of mahogany. Due to the explanation of the tree growers, we can guide students to combine their own understanding of life, It won't be too difficult to understand this
In this section, students are generally guided to discuss the following key issues:
4. If you are a kind of tree man, please explain these questions by referring to the relevant sentences in the text. During the discussion, understand the words of the kind of tree man
Show the following words to help students understand
——The seeds of flight: Mahogany now
Do you agree with the author's sentiment? Cite relevant people or things in your life to prove your point
Expand the relevant text: link to Lin Qingxuan's prose "Lily in the heart" and "tomato tree in the brick gap" to let students further experience this writing technique. (author's setting: Gongshu District teaching and Research Office, Hangzhou City, Zhejiang Province)

24 cm long 18 cm high 9 cm wide a brick, how many pieces have a cubic, is cut wall brick

0.24 × 0.18 × 0.09 = 0.003888 (M3)
1 △ 0.003888 = 257.2 pieces
In theory, it's 257 pieces. Remove the mortar joint and loss, about 250 pieces
If it's to calculate how much space can be occupied, it's OK to add the gap. If it's to build a wall, it depends on the thickness of the wall and other factors. Brick walls like this are OK, and double brick walls are not well arranged. There is a gap between the actual and the calculation