Six practical questions! One choice! Four calculations! Help me! Teach me! 1. A total of 800 kg of oranges and apples are delivered to the store. The weight of oranges and apples is 3:2. How many kg of oranges and apples are delivered to the store? 2. In 2007, my mother deposited 20000 yuan in the bank for two years, with an annual interest rate of 4.68%. According to the regulations at that time, she had to pay 5% interest tax on her income interest. How much after tax interest can my mother get when she matures? 3. To build a 720 meter long highway, one fourth of its total length was built 12 days ago. According to this calculation, how many days will it take to complete the road? 4. When a cake shop sells a cream cake, it always ties a packing belt. The common binding methods are as follows: the bottom circumference of the 7-inch cake box is 62.8 cm, the height is 15 cm, and the joint of the packing belt needs 30 cm. How many meters of packing belt is needed to bind such a cake box? 5. Two fifths of the students in the calligraphy group and 45% of the students in the computer group took part in calligraphy activities, 8 more than those in the calligraphy group, There are 32 people in the chorus. How many more people are in the computer group than in the chorus? Xiao Liang said, "someone must have participated in two of the activities." Xiao Hong said, "not necessarily." who do you think is right? Why? Conclusion: Reason: 6. In the environmental protection activities, class two recycled 810 waste batteries. The ratio of class one and class two was 4:5? Four fifths = 24 △ () = (): 20 There are 80 people on Monday, 100 people on Tuesday, 120 people on Wednesday, 140 people on Thursday and 160 people on Friday. The number of people on the second day increased by ()% compared with the previous day In the following fractions, () cannot be reduced to a finite number. Three fourths, eight eighties, fifty-five, eight twenties 1. 2 / 7 × 11 / 24 + 2 / 7 × 13 / 24 2. 2 / 9 △ [8 / 21 × (1 / 3 + 5 / 12)] 3. 5 / 12 × 5 / 12 + 5 / 12 × 7 / 12 4. 11 / 13 + 11 / 13 × 25

Six practical questions! One choice! Four calculations! Help me! Teach me! 1. A total of 800 kg of oranges and apples are delivered to the store. The weight of oranges and apples is 3:2. How many kg of oranges and apples are delivered to the store? 2. In 2007, my mother deposited 20000 yuan in the bank for two years, with an annual interest rate of 4.68%. According to the regulations at that time, she had to pay 5% interest tax on her income interest. How much after tax interest can my mother get when she matures? 3. To build a 720 meter long highway, one fourth of its total length was built 12 days ago. According to this calculation, how many days will it take to complete the road? 4. When a cake shop sells a cream cake, it always ties a packing belt. The common binding methods are as follows: the bottom circumference of the 7-inch cake box is 62.8 cm, the height is 15 cm, and the joint of the packing belt needs 30 cm. How many meters of packing belt is needed to bind such a cake box? 5. Two fifths of the students in the calligraphy group and 45% of the students in the computer group took part in calligraphy activities, 8 more than those in the calligraphy group, There are 32 people in the chorus. How many more people are in the computer group than in the chorus? Xiao Liang said, "someone must have participated in two of the activities." Xiao Hong said, "not necessarily." who do you think is right? Why? Conclusion: Reason: 6. In the environmental protection activities, class two recycled 810 waste batteries. The ratio of class one and class two was 4:5? Four fifths = 24 △ () = (): 20 There are 80 people on Monday, 100 people on Tuesday, 120 people on Wednesday, 140 people on Thursday and 160 people on Friday. The number of people on the second day increased by ()% compared with the previous day In the following fractions, () cannot be reduced to a finite number. Three fourths, eight eighties, fifty-five, eight twenties 1. 2 / 7 × 11 / 24 + 2 / 7 × 13 / 24 2. 2 / 9 △ [8 / 21 × (1 / 3 + 5 / 12)] 3. 5 / 12 × 5 / 12 + 5 / 12 × 7 / 12 4. 11 / 13 + 11 / 13 × 25

So orange 180 × 3 = 480, apple 160 × 2 = 3202. (20000 × 0.0468 × 2) -. (20000 × 0.0468 × 2 × 0.05) 3.720 / 4 = 180 180 / 12 = 15 720 / 15 = 48 days 4.62.8 + 15 × 4 + 30 = 152.85