360 degrees / 21 seconds?

360 degrees / 21 seconds?

Because 360 / 21 = 120 / 7 = 17 and 1 / 7
That is, (360 / 21) degrees = 17 degrees + (1 / 7) degrees
And (1 / 7) degree = (1 / 7) * 60 points = (60 / 7) points = 4 out of 8 and 7 points
That is, (1 / 7) degree = 8 points + (4 / 7) points
Because (4 / 7) minutes = (4 / 7) * 60 seconds = (240 / 7) seconds = 34 and 2 / 7 seconds
That is, (4 / 7) minutes = 34 seconds + (2 / 7) seconds
It can be seen that if the accuracy is seconds, then (360 / 21) degrees = 17 degrees, 8 minutes and 34 seconds

Fill in the appropriate operation symbols and brackets 34 5 6 8 9 12 = 2008


Skillfully fill in the operation symbols, a total of 14 8 equal to 2008, 8 8 = 2008
