When buying a house, the building area is 130 square meters, and the shared area is 20%. How to calculate the actual use area

When buying a house, the building area is 130 square meters, and the shared area is 20%. How to calculate the actual use area

Building area = inside area + sharing
130-130 x 20% = 104 (inside area)
(the interior area of the wall has been included. If the area occupied by the wall is removed, it is the actual use area. The bottom area of the wall should be actually measured.)

How many square meters are there in one mu of land and how to calculate the area?

Mu is a unit of urban land area in China. One mu is equal to 60 square feet, about 666.67 square meters. Fifteen Mu is equal to one hectare. 60 square feet is chosen because of the counting method in ancient China. Now most of the counting is carried by ten units, while in ancient times, the carry is carried by 60 units. For example, one Jiazi is 60 years
Area = length x width

How many kilos is a square of Fenglu

There is no such question. It must be a layman. Different varieties and models of aluminum have different weights. The larger the square, the less the relative weight of aluminum used. Therefore, there is no way to answer your question. You can give conditions for specific treatment. For example, the electrophoresis double salt champagne color 1.2 of fengal 828 series