How to calculate the shared area? The building area of the house is 106, and the use area is 80. What is the shared coefficient?

How to calculate the shared area? The building area of the house is 106, and the use area is 80. What is the shared coefficient?

Calculation of shared area:
Building area = inside building area + shared area
Shared area = shared coefficient * built in area
Sharing coefficient = total public sharing area / (built-up area of the unit * total units)
Built in area = built in area + wall area
The factors affecting the shared area are as follows
1. In the same building, one staircase, one staircase, two households and one staircase, three households are different
2. As you said, the area of the house is larger, but smaller
3. Public facilities only stairs and both stairs and elevators are not the same, the more public facilities, corridors, the larger the pool
4. The higher the building scale, the higher the height of the stairs, the larger the sharing
The general share ratio of ordinary residence is as follows:
Multilayer: 8% - 15%
Small high rise: 10% - 20%
High level: 15% - 30%
I hope I can help you

How to calculate the construction area and fair share?
When buying a house, the building area is 109.87, and the money is shared 20% according to the area of 109.87. What's the actual building area of our house and is the external wall shared?

The actual construction area is 109.87 * 80% = 87.896, the exterior wall is calculated from the axis outward, half of the stall (generally 100 thick, plus 20 thick painting layer), the staircase is calculated from the partition wall axis, half of your home, the area you measure should be your exterior wall, the partition wall with the neighbor's house, and the partition wall with the stairs and elevators, etc

18 high-rise building with a building area of 81.64 and a built-in building area of 64.52. What's the sharing coefficient and the housing acquisition rate?

21%, not high