There are three types of eclipses: the phase of the moon on the day of the eclipse

There are three types of eclipses: the phase of the moon on the day of the eclipse

There are three types of eclipses: total eclipse, partial eclipse and annular eclipse

On which day of the lunar calendar do lunar and solar eclipses occur? Why don't lunar and solar eclipses occur every month

Lunar eclipses usually occur around the 15th day of the lunar calendar
Solar eclipses usually occur around the first day of the lunar calendar
Lunar and solar eclipses do not occur every month because there is an angle of 5 ° 9 'between the ecliptic and the white

When do solar and lunar eclipses occur in the Chinese lunar calendar?
four hundred and fifty-six

Lunar eclipse: 15th and 16th lunar calendar
Eclipses must occur on the first day of the lunar new year, but not all new days