A cycle of lunar phase change is () also known as (0). The law of lunar phase change is () It's tonight

A cycle of lunar phase change is () also known as (0). The law of lunar phase change is () It's tonight

The cycle of the new moon is called the new moon, which is about 29.53059 days long
The first quarter moon appears in the first half of the month, the west side of the sky is bright, the second quarter moon appears in the second half of the month, the east side of the sky is bright

The names of the phases of the moon from the first day to the fifteenth day of junior high school

Crescent moon, moth eyebrow moon, first quarter moon, convex moon, full moon, convex moon, last quarter moon, moth eyebrow moon, new moon
The moon is invisible on the first day of the new year, and the full moon is around the fifteenth and sixteenth days
The phases of the moon are calculated according to the degree of the difference between the meridians of the sun and the moon (the following degree is the difference between the meridians of the sun and the moon)
New moon: 0 degrees;
Emei month (generally around the second night of the lunar new year to the seventh day of the Lunar New Year): 0 ° to 90 °;
The first quarter of the moon (about the eighth day of the lunar calendar, that is, half moon): 90 degrees;
From the ninth day to the fourteenth day of the lunar calendar: 90 ° to 180 °;
Full moon (on the night of the 15th or 16th of the lunar calendar, i.e. looking at the sun): 180 degrees;
From the 16th to the 23rd of the lunar calendar: 180 ° to 270 °;
The second quarter of the moon (about the 23rd lunar month, half moon): 270 degrees;
Waning moon (around 24 to the end of the lunar calendar): 270 ° to 360 °;
In addition, the last day of the lunar month is called the dark day, that is, there is no moon
Another attachment: Song of moon phase change
The new moon of the first day of the Lunar New Year is not visible, only because of the sun and earth
On the seventh and eighth day of the new year, the full moon faces west
The full moon appears on the 15th and 6th, and the earth shoulders the sun and the moon
The second quarter of the moon, facing east, is in the middle of the night

Seeking the moon phase diagram from the first to the fifteenth day of the new year