About solar and lunar eclipses If the earth is transparent, it will not be seen on the earth__ But you can still see it__ ! (quick return)

About solar and lunar eclipses If the earth is transparent, it will not be seen on the earth__ But you can still see it__ ! (quick return)

In the 15th and 16th lunar calendar, the moon moves in the direction opposite to the sun. At this time, if the center of the earth and the moon are roughly in the same line, the moon will enter the earth's umbra and produce a total lunar eclipse. If only part of the moon enters the earth's Umbra, it will produce a partial lunar eclipse

The diagram of lunar eclipse is a diagram, not a word!

As shown in the picture

Why are there solar and lunar eclipses?
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After a long period of time, the sun will be hidden in the darkness. At this time, it will become smaller and smaller. After a period of time, it will form a curved tooth, and finally disappear. At this moment, where the sun disappears in the sky, it will form a black round object surrounded by a dim halo. At the same time, the ground will gradually darken, and the cold wind will strike, Birds are returning to their nests one after another. Human beings are at a loss. What happened?
People used to think that it must be the "heavenly dog" or "dragon" swallowing the sun. The sun will not appear again. The severe winter and darkness are coming, and all creatures on the earth, including human beings, will perish. In fact, none of this has happened. A few minutes later, the sun will smile again where it disappeared, and it will grow bigger and bigger, As usual, it was shining high in the sky
What's the matter? Astronomers in Babylon, Cuba have found the key to answer this question through research. They found that when the solar eclipse occurs, the sky will darken, accompanied by the appearance of stars, but the moon does not appear. This is because the solar eclipse always occurs when the moon exceeds the sun from West to East, When the moon passes in front of the sun, it will cover the sun completely, so we can't see the sun at this time. Soon, when the moon moves away, the sun will appear in the sky again
If the above situation is true, then why not all the new moon days have solar eclipses? Why not every month have solar eclipses? This is because the sun and the moon in the sky do not follow the same path, their respective paths are at a certain angle to each other, The moon passes slightly above or below the sun. Only when the moon is at the intersection of its path around the earth and the path of the earth around the sun, and the moon is moving in front of the sun, will there be an eclipse, Sometimes when the sun and the moon pass through the intersection, there will be a solar eclipse