Write a 500 word composition on the topic of being a person of virtue with gratitude

Write a 500 word composition on the topic of being a person of virtue with gratitude

The fallen leaves hover in the air, composing a movement of gratitude, which is the gratitude of the tree to nourish the earth; the white clouds float in the blue sky, painting moving pictures, which is the gratitude of the white clouds to the blue sky feeding it. Because of gratitude, we can have this colorful society, because of gratitude, we can have sincere friendship. Because of gratitude, we can understand the true meaning of life
Learn to appreciate others is a conscience, a filial piety, because this will have harmony, happiness, mutual respect
With a grateful heart, to look at society, parents, relatives and friends, you will find how happy you are, open your mind, let the drizzle wash away the pollution of your heart. Learn to be grateful, because it will make the world better and life fuller
No matter how happy we are, there will still be some difficulties and setbacks in our life. Are we going to fall back or get back together? In fact, difficulties are just a little test given by God, which reminds us that we have already got too much. Many people will complain about God's various things, but when we think about our happiness at this moment, we will understand that these difficulties are nothing at all
Quietly bury a seed of gratitude in the bottom of my heart, and soon you will find that the small seed has grown into a big tree. We all have a heart of gratitude, and the world will become better. My days are full of gratitude for life. A little bit of gratitude makes me enjoy happiness and feel happy in the plain. Happiness blooms in gratitude, a life of gratitude and a happy life

1000 words composition in military training

Mention the pen, I feel a pain in my heart. Because I miss our instructor, miss the life in the barracks, miss everything there. The air of military uniform, long yearning for olive green, finally let me temporarily realize my military dream, it makes me excited to the extreme, but the reality of training and I imagine a little deviation

800 words on forest fire prevention