Through reading this article, I understand that people should be confident Revise the wrong sentence

Through reading this article, I understand that people should be confident Revise the wrong sentence

I want to understand the truth through reading this article

On self confidence
The beginning should be vivid
Here's an example
Reference before and after the ending
Some examples

I'll find you some material to see if it can be used
(1) Marx once said that there are many branches in the road to success, and only brave people can reach the summit of glory. Indeed, the road to success is full of potholes, and only by their own correct attitude can they succeed
In my memory, there is a story about a man who had to float on a board because his boat capsized and caught live fish to eat and drink sea water every day. Because of his strong will, he was finally found by the coast guard two months later and rescued. This is a legend of an ordinary man. He can rely on his own will and attitude towards difficulties, On the contrary, some people do not have the slightest confidence in themselves, which leads to the failure of their career and friendship Finally make oneself regret for life
Zheng Xie of the Qing Dynasty wrote a poem like this: "firmly believe that the green mountain is not relaxed and rooted in the original broken rock. He is still strong after a thousand years of grinding and striking, and let the wind blow from east to west, north to south." Zheng Xie wrote about the strong will of bamboo and the attitude towards difficulties. There are many people like bamboo in the world, and Lu Binxun is one of the representatives
After Robinson was separated from the fleet, he survived on the isolated island with a little bit of poor supplies. The emperor was able to live up to the people who wanted to. The fleet that had been living on the isolated island for 28 years saved Robinson back
Success is nothing more than your own attitude. As long as you have a correct attitude, success will naturally come to you
"Attitude decides everything, positive self-confidence is bound to success." in history and our reality, because of the negative attitude towards life, study, work and career, countless people end up doing nothing. But those who hold a positive attitude, struggle unremittingly, and finally succeed are everywhere. This is determined by the attitude towards life. Whether a person succeeds or not depends on his attitude, Attitude also determines a person's future and destiny
When others are frustrated, feeble and low spirited, they are high spirited and high spirited; when others give up because of difficulties, they persevere and persevere; when others stop and swing, they are enterprising and brave to fight; when others are slack, lazy and listless, they go all out without excuses and concentrate, The latter is brilliant. Opportunity comes from attitude, and fate changes with attitude. Attitude is the secret of success. To change fate, we must start with attitude
Attitude can be changed. When there is a certain change in the social environment or group that an individual is in, it will lead to the change of some personal attitude; when the role of an individual in a group changes, it will also lead to the change of some personal attitude; when there is authoritative propaganda or strong public opinion tools, it will lead to the change of some personal attitude, Sometimes the fallacy can be said ten thousand times as "truth". What kind of attitude there is, what kind of life there is. Life needs our own efforts
The fate is in your own hands. Do it yourself and have plenty of food and clothing. There is a song called "love will win". To be independent, self-improvement and self-confidence, your attitude determines your life, and pessimistic attitude restricts your development
The foundation of success is attitude, which is more important than ability. We should understand attitude from details, and have a correct attitude to know ourselves. Each of us is different in personality, talent, talent and environment. What we need to do is to carefully analyze our own characteristics and find out what is suitable for us to do, not to complain about ourselves, not to complain about others, no matter what the situation is, No matter what difficulties you encounter, you should have a positive attitude towards life, which reflects your tolerance, self-confidence, optimism, pioneering, enterprising and loyalty. To maintain a positive attitude towards life in a complex environment, you need self motivation, self recognition, self encouragement, face up to yourself, face up to difficulties and setbacks, have a will to win and see the light
Learning is also an attitude. Only modest people can really learn more. Being good at learning and communicating is a proper attitude in life, which is beneficial to your success. In a word, most successful people always actively control and control their life with the most confident attitude and optimistic spirit, A positive attitude will surely improve one's daily life and make it full of vitality. On the contrary, a negative attitude will surely fail and fail
(2) Hello everyone, the topic of my speech is self - reliance, self - motivation, serve the motherland
In the book of changes, there is a saying that heaven is strong, and a gentleman is strong
When I look back, I've been in the cold window for more than ten years, and I've gradually widened my belt. Finally, I bid farewell to you in June, and I won a lot of fruits. All the way, I went into the university that many people dream of. The ancients said, "where there is a will, there is a competition." the folk saying goes, "if you don't have a product, you must have a will." it shows that you can't be disillusioned for a day
Everyone wants to succeed, but the goddess of success doesn't care for everyone, but I firmly believe that all those who have participated in and tried, even if they have not succeeded, their world is not a plain, not a blank. Maybe we are really ordinary, without any skills, can't sing, can't dance, can't sing, can't paint. But there is only one genius Beethoven in the world, and there is only one child prodigy Mozart, How far can a man go, not his feet, but his will; how high can a man climb, not his hands, but his ambition. He is determined to climb the mountain, but not to stand at the foot of the mountain
There is a saying that there are only two kinds of creatures who can climb the Pyramid: the eagle and the snail. Although we can't all soar to the sky like the male eagle, we can at least move forward silently with our own endurance like the snail. Where there is a will, there is a way. If there is a will, there is a way. If there is a will, there will be a way. If there is a thousand, there will be a way to swallow Wu, As long as we have it, why do we care about eternity? Even if we fail, our life will become more wonderful because of the wind and rain! We are constantly striving for self-improvement in the wind and rain, and we are flying in the wind in the rain!
In universities, we are eager to harvest talents. We are eager to fight against the information tide, harvest talents, and lead it to the future. Mr. Hu Shi said, "learning is a tool for casting tools. If we give up learning, we will destroy ourselves." however, the phenomenon in our campus that goes against the mainstream culture of the school makes us rethink. Do our students still have the heart of struggle and harvest, Take life seriously
Students immersed in the computer world and mobile phone world in class, do we think about what we gain every day?
In the secluded part of the campus, there are always some people who are "engaged after dusk" and who are in love with each other. Don't we feel ashamed of that?
What's more, in the dormitories, "flying in the clouds and driving in the fog" and "happy as an immortal", cheating in the examination room and shouting after the lights are turned off. Are we the new generation of young people in the mid century?
Do we know how much influence this will have on ourselves, our classmates and our school? It has ruined our studies, deprived our classmates of the opportunity to learn, and affected the construction of the style of study in our school. Now our society is a competitive society. Without excellent skills and rich knowledge, we can't have a foothold in the society
Life is corrupt, pursuing fashion, advocating famous brand, playing with things and indulging in the network world. Academic spirit is lost, morality is low, lack of faith, perseverance, spirit and endurance. If you are the boss, would you choose our staff?
Students, wake up! It's time to wake up. Don't be covered up by habits, confused by time, and consumed by laziness. Let's ask ourselves, can we afford our parents who have worked hard? If our parents know our performance in school, how sad our parents are. Students, let's pick up the pen and calculate how much we need to spend, Whether we are worthy of what our parents have done for us
Students, think about it! It's time to think about it. Rome is not built in a day, and success is not achieved overnight. For ourselves, in order to find a good job after graduation, it's time for us to enrich ourselves and improve ourselves
Students, work hard together! Only wholeheartedly struggle, can we have full harvest
Everyone has his own ambition, maybe lofty, maybe ordinary, so, students, how much light can your ambition send out to guide your future?
As the saying goes: "people who have no ambition often make up their minds, and those who have ambition make up their minds". Ambition is the driving force of success. It enables us to work hard to achieve our goals, stand on the top of success with our indomitable belief, and look into the distance. It is more important to persist in ambition than to become a talent and to light up the hope of our motherland in the future
I used to have this feeling about my ambition to serve the country, my talent to learn to serve the country, and my trip to serve the country. It seems that it is difficult to express my patriotism without sacrificing for the protection of the country. However, as time goes on, I gradually understand that although we do not have to be selfless and fearless like revolutionary martyrs, we can learn from those patriots who are around us!
Liu Xiang is a well-known sportsman. His vigorous figure, who is the first to cross the finish line in his bright red Chinese sportswear, has become an eternal glory in the hearts of our people. There are also elite models who are astonishing in all walks of life. Their outstanding achievements for our country are not a manifestation of their devotion to our country?
"You can do it, I can do it!" this well-known slogan comes from this special Olympics. Because of their low intelligence, it takes them several months to learn a simple serve in table tennis! However, they never complain and never give up. On the contrary, they will pay more than ordinary people's hard work and sweat, Because in their hearts there is a strong desire - I want to prove myself! I want to prove that I can do the same as everyone else to contribute to the motherland belongs to their own force!
This is their ambition. It's very simple and direct, but it's so real and noble! Can we do it? Or are we ashamed to set up our ambition to serve our motherland?!
"I will study hard and be a pillar of the motherland in the future." "I will set serving the motherland as my highest ambition and work hard in this direction."
There are so many manifestos like this. I'm not here to lead you to shout slogans. Self improvement, determination and serving our country are not just slogans, but practical actions. There's no need to delay. We need to take action now! Our future requires us to firmly hold it in our hands! Maybe we just need to take a small step in courage first, From today on, no, at this moment, as students, we have set our own direction, step by step, take every step of dedication for the motherland!
Self reliance, we have nothing to yield to today's self challenge
Inspirational talent, we have no fear, to the other side of the future expedition
Serve the motherland, we have no reservation, to the peak of success!

The theme of the composition is "reading, self-confidence and life", and the title of the composition is 1200 words argumentative