Seeking the Impala to fly across

Seeking the Impala to fly across

Old gazelle, your selfless and fearless spirit is worth learning from us. In life, we will carry forward your spirit and make the same spirit for the next generation. We will live well and win honor for the race. Your deeds will be forever in the "history of antelope". Without you, we will not live to the present; without you, we will not salute you here. Your spirit will shine!

Gazelle flying across

1. What is the role of human in this article?
In this article, human beings play an ignominious role as the invaders and predators of nature
We don't have to avoid this problem, because this article just gives us a chance to reflect on what human beings have done and put people right
The position of a class in nature
Human beings regard themselves as higher animals - they define themselves as "Hominidae", which is unique in this world and dominates the world. Human beings have strong thinking ability and advanced scientific and technological means, which can change the world,
So we often mention a sentence: "conquer nature, transform nature." for other species living on this planet with ourselves, human beings are contemptuous. Their wanton killing has led to the extinction of many species
We can see the sacred and inviolable spiritual power of the animals
Reflection on human society, when the disaster comes, how many of us can do like the gazelle, not harm people, do not live, as death?
2. Clarify the structure. This paper can be divided into four parts
The first part (1 - 2 paragraphs): belongs to the beginning of the story, writing a group of gazelle was forced to sad cliff
The second part (3-8): belongs to the preparation of the early stage of the ferry
The third part (9-15 paragraphs): it belongs to the climax of the story. It is about the way that sickle head sheep leads the population to sacrifice the old half for the younger half
The fourth part (16-17 paragraphs): the end of the story, writing sickle sheep tragically towards death, through the spiritual quality of sickle sheep, reflects the human beings themselves
3. What is the meaning of "Rainbow"?
Rainbow is illusory and beautiful. Illusory and beautiful things can bring people fantasy, hope, intoxication and spiritual infatuation and dependence
The beautiful rainbow is in sharp contrast to the cruel reality. Scythe sheep "goes to the gorgeous rainbow" and yearns to join in the beautiful ideal world
4. The text describes the success of "the flying gazelle"
It's almost a miracle, which is based on the premise of the accuracy of the time choice, the superb control of the jump range, the skillful grasp of the jump skills, and the convergence of the docking time. From the explanation of the article, the gazelles have not experienced such rehearsal before
So, is the "flying gazelle" described in the text real? Or is it mainly from the author's imagination?
First of all, in the animal kingdom, there is indeed the fact that some members' lives are sacrificed to obtain the majority of survival opportunities in the population. Secondly, according to our own experience, when we are in difficulties, human beings often stimulate the potential never shown before and make decisions

The original text is brief
1. The "beautiful bridge" described in the article refers to: 1) 2)
2. From the point of view of environmental description, the role of "Rainbow" has been mentioned many times
3. The author mentioned "I was surprised", "a scene that I could not even dream of appeared", "shocked me" and so on
4. What are the performances of scythe sheep in the article? According to these performances, please talk about your impression of scythe sheep

1. The beautiful bridge refers to: (1) the curved rainbow. (2) the flash of scythe sheep's behavior and spirit
2. The rainbow is illusory and beautiful. Here, the beautiful rainbow is in sharp contrast with the cruel reality
3. (1) let people reflect on their behavior of fleeing in such a situation. (2) highlight the noble character of these antelopes. (this is written by myself, I haven't read this question...)
4. The article focuses on the three calls of the scythe head: for the first time, when the antelopes are in a desperate situation, the scythe head bleats a few times, which is a sign of helplessness;
The second time, when a female gazelle walks into the rainbow, the scythe head sends out a "baa" roar to call back the female gazelle. At the same time, he tells the gazelle group that he has come up with a way to save herself and directs the rapid implementation;
For the third time, when the number of the old and the young gazelle is greatly different, the sickle head bleats, which means that in order to save the younger life, we have to sacrifice the same species including ourselves. This cry is not only a sad sigh, but also a call to supplement the doomed death team
Scythe head like image: full of wisdom, decisive, calm, calm
(it comes out Please give it to me! Please