On the causes of solar and lunar eclipses in high school physics?

On the causes of solar and lunar eclipses in high school physics?

It is mainly the linear propagation of light. When the moon moves between the earth and the sun, it forms a solar eclipse
2. This is mainly due to the linear propagation of light and the structure of human eyes
3. An eclipse is formed when the sun moves between the earth and the moon. The sun is much bigger than the moon, so it is impossible to form an annular eclipse, only a total and partial eclipse

How are solar eclipses and lunar eclipses formed? What are the causes?

The formation principle of solar eclipse and lunar eclipse is due to the straight-line transmission of light. The specific formation reasons are as follows: solar eclipse is between the sun, moon and the earth in the same straight line. The moon blocks the sun's light, so that some parts of the earth, even in the daytime, can not see the sun or only see the incomplete sun. The sun is completely covered, which is called

Solar and lunar eclipses can be caused by light______ The reason why we can see the words on the blackboard from different directions is that light happens when it hits the blackboard______ The chopsticks inserted into the water seem to bend upward, which is caused by the light shooting into the air from the water______ Cause

In the same homogeneous medium, light propagates along a straight line. When the sun, the earth and the moon are in the same straight line, the moon blocks the sun's light and forms an eclipse. When the sun, the earth and the moon are in the same straight line, the earth blocks the sun's light. The causes of the eclipse can be explained by the law of light's straight-line propagation When light enters the air from the water, it refracts at the interface between water and air. The refracted light entering the air deflects towards the water surface, and its position decreases. We think that light travels along a straight line, and we see the chopsticks on the opposite extension line of the refracted light To sum up, the answer is: linear propagation; diffuse; refraction