Lunar phase change chart. With direction For example: February 1, 2014 weather: Sunny moon direction: Southeast is full moon or what

Lunar phase change chart. With direction For example: February 1, 2014 weather: Sunny moon direction: Southeast is full moon or what

The phase of the moon is calculated according to the lunar calendar. As for the weather of that day, the phase of the moon can not be calculated. The weather is a matter of the Meteorological Bureau, not of the observatory, not of a system
There is a Moon Song:
The moon is between the sun and the earth
On the seventh and eighth day of the new year, the full moon faces west
The full moon rises on the 15th and the 6th, and the earth shoulders the sun and the moon
The second quarter of the moon, facing east, is in the middle of the night
Is this OK?

The law of lunar phase change is as follows

Because the moon itself does not emit light, under the sunlight, the half sphere facing the sun is the bright area, and the other half sphere is the dark area. With the change of the moon's position relative to the earth and the sun, the side illuminated by the sun is sometimes facing the earth, sometimes facing away from the earth; sometimes the part of the moon facing the earth is larger, sometimes smaller, so different phases of the moon appear
Whenever the moon moves between the sun and the earth, and the hemisphere illuminated by the sun faces away from the earth, people will not see the moon on the earth. This day is called "new moon", also known as "new moon", which is the first day of the lunar calendar
After the new moon, the moon moves along the direction of the earth's rotation, and the bright area gradually turns to the earth. On the earth, you can see a thin silver hook like moon, which appears in the western sky, bowing toward the sunset. This month is called "moth eyebrow moon", which is the third and fourth day of the lunar calendar
Then, the moon in the sky day by day away from the sun, to the seventh and eighth day of the lunar calendar, half a bright area facing the earth, people can see half of the moon (convex westward), this phase is called "first quarter moon"
When the moon moves to the opposite direction of the earth, that is, the 15th, 16th and 17th lunar calendar, the bright areas of the moon are all facing the earth, we can see a full moon, which is called "full moon", also called "Wang"

What's the difference between the first half of the moon and the second half of the moon?

The first half of the moon is round, and the second half is round