0.28 m3 = () l = () ml

0.28 m3 = () l = () ml

0.28 m3 = (280) l = (280000) ml

Cubic meter conversion ton. Kilogram conversion liter. Gram conversion milliliter. Gram conversion cubic centimeter. Milligram conversion millimeter. Kilogram conversion cubic meter
It is written in the form of 1G / cubic centimeter = 1 * 10 cubic kg / cubic meter

Specific gravity of water = 1g / cm3
=1000 g / (1000 CC), [numerator and denominator multiply by 1000]
=1kg / cubic decimeter
=1000m3 / (1000kg)
=1 T / m3;
For water,
Cubic meter conversion ton: 1 cubic meter → 1 ton
Kilogram conversion to liter: 1 kilogram → 1 liter → 1 cubic decimeter
G to ml, G to CC: 1 g → 1 ml → 1 cc
Milligram to cubic millimeter:
1g / cm3
=0.001 g / (0.001 CC)
=0.001 g / cm3
=1 mg / cm3
That is, 1 mg → cubic mm

Unit conversion helps me to solve the problem. Be careful. L. ml. M. cm. Mm. M2. M3. G. kg. T
For example, 1 liter = how many ml, and then ml into liter should multiply or divide

1L = 1 cubic decimeter (liter) = 0.001 cubic meter = 1000 cubic centimeter (ML)
1 liter = 1000 ml
1 ml = 1 / 1000 l
1 000 per liter

The surface area of a cuboid made of 4 cubes with 2 cm long edges may be______ Square centimeter, maybe______ Square centimeter

(1) 1 × 4 arrangement: length, width and height: 2 × 4 = 8 cm, 2 cm and 2 cm respectively; surface area: (8 × 2 + 8 × 2 + 2 × 2) × 2, = (16 + 16 + 4) × 2, = 36 × 2, = 72 (square cm); (2) 2 × 2 arrangement: length, width and height: 2 × 2 = 4 cm, 2 × 2 = 4 cm and 2 cm respectively; surface area: (...)

When a cuboid with a surface area of 80dm & # 178; is cut into two equal cubes, its surface area increases by () DM & # 178;


Pour 100 liters of water into a cube container with the edge length of 5 DM. What is the height of the water?

100 L = 100 cubic decimeter
100 △ 5 △ 5 = 4 (decimeter)

Pour 100 liters of water into a 5-decimeter cube container. The height of the water is______ Decimeter

100 L = 100 cubic decimeter, 100 △ 5 = 100 △ 25 = 4 (decimeter), answer: the height of water is 4 decimeter

Pour 60L water into a cube container with the edge length of 5DM. The height of water is () DM

60L = 60dm ^ 3
60÷(5×5) = 2.4dm

Pour 60L water into a cube container with the edge length of 5DM. What's the height of water, DM? Please 3Q

60÷(5×5) =60÷25 =2.4 dm

There is a cube water tank, each side of which is 5DM long. If a full tank of water is poured into a rectangular tank, which is 8dm long and 25cm wide, how deep is the water?

25 cm = 2.5 decimeters, 5 × 5 × 5, = 25 × 5, = 125 (cubic decimeters); 125 ^ (8 × 2.5), = 125 ^ 20, = 6.25 (decimeters); answer: the water depth is 6.25 decimeters