Poems with peach blossom, apricot blossom, lotus flower, chrysanthemum and plum blossom

Poems with peach blossom, apricot blossom, lotus flower, chrysanthemum and plum blossom

Taohua nunnery
Peach Blossom Fairy grows peach trees and picks peach flowers for wine money. When they wake up, they only sit in front of the flowers. When they are drunk, they still come to spend and sleep. Half drunk and half awake day after day, and flowers fall and bloom year after year. I hope they will die old in the flower and wine room, and will not bow to chariots and horses, Others laugh at me for being too crazy. I laugh at others for not seeing through. I don't see the tombs of Wuling heroes and hoe the fields without flowers and wine
You Zhaocun apricot flower
Bai Juyi
Zhaocun red apricot opens every year, how many times in 15 years?
It's hard for 73 people to come again. Don't spend it this spring
Ancient style (its 26) Tang Dynasty
Li Bai
Bihesheng spring is bright and fresh in the morning
Autumn flowers green water, dense leaves Luoqing smoke
Beautiful pink is peerless. Who is the biography of fragrance?
Sit and watch the full frost, wither this red fragrant year
If you don't get what you want, you'd like to take care of the pool
Baiju on the Double Ninth Festival (Bai Juyi)
The flowers and chrysanthemums in the garden are golden yellow, with solitary clumps and frost like color
Also like today's song banquet, Pulsatilla into the juvenile field
Xiaomei in mountain garden
Lin Hejing and Tang Dynasty
Many Fang shake off, alone noisy Yan, occupy all the amorous feelings to the small garden
Thin shadow horizontal oblique, water shallow, fragrance floating on the evening
Frost bird wants to steal its eyes first, and pink butterfly knows how to break its soul
Fortunately, we can have a little chant, so we don't have to be good at sharing gold bottles

Poems with peach flowers poems with apricot flowers poems with lotus flowers poems with plum flowers poems with chrysanthemums

Taohua nunnery
Peach Blossom Fairy grows peach trees and picks peach flowers for wine money. When they wake up, they only sit in front of the flowers. When they are drunk, they still come to spend and sleep. Half drunk and half awake day after day, and flowers fall and bloom year after year. I hope they will die old in the flower and wine room, and will not bow to chariots and horses, Others laugh at me for being too crazy. I laugh at others for not seeing through. I don't see the tombs of Wuling heroes and hoe the fields without flowers and wine
You Zhaocun apricot flower
Bai Juyi
Zhaocun red apricot opens every year, how many times in 15 years?
It's hard for 73 people to come again. Don't spend it this spring
Ancient style (its 26) Tang Dynasty
Li Bai
Bihesheng spring is bright and fresh in the morning
Autumn flowers green water, dense leaves Luoqing smoke
Beautiful pink is peerless. Who is the biography of fragrance?
Sit and watch the full frost, wither this red fragrant year
If you don't get what you want, you'd like to take care of the pool
Baiju on the Double Ninth Festival (Bai Juyi)
The flowers and chrysanthemums in the garden are golden yellow, with solitary clumps and frost like color
Also like today's song banquet, Pulsatilla into the juvenile field
Xiaomei in mountain garden
Lin Hejing and Tang Dynasty
Many Fang shake off, alone noisy Yan, occupy all the amorous feelings to the small garden
Thin shadow horizontal oblique, water shallow, fragrance floating on the evening
Frost bird wants to steal its eyes first, and pink butterfly knows how to break its soul
Fortunately, we can have a little chant, so we don't have to be good at sharing gold bottles

What is 2010 * 1999-2000 ^ 2 equal to

= 2010 * (2000 -1) - 2000 * 2000
= 2010*2000 - 2010 - 2000 * 2000
= (2010 - 2000)*2000 - 2010
= 10*2000 -2010
= 20000 - 2010
= 17990

What are the leap years from 2003 to 2012


2 times 9 times 123456789 = how many


1 times 9 times 123456789 = how many


100 times 123456789 equals

Good luck and goodbye

100 + 1000 equals


How much is 123456789 multiplied by 123456789?
What was the result?

The 16th power of 1.524157875x10

What's 99 times 12

A: 1188