134670000 can be expressed as (3 significant digits reserved) by scientific notation

134670000 can be expressed as (3 significant digits reserved) by scientific notation

134670000 = power 8 of 1.35x10

The approximate number is 0.0203964 ≈ (), and the result is expressed by scientific notation. Why is it the - 2 power of 2.039 × 10

It's wrong
It can be seen as follows: 0.0203964 is approximately equal to 0.02040 (four significant digits are reserved) due to rounding, and the negative quadratic power of 10 is equal to 0.01. Therefore, 0.02040 is 2.040 × 0.01 (because four significant digits are reserved, the last 0 cannot be omitted)

0.000328 denoted by scientific notation (two significant digits reserved) as______ .
