-0.0000896 retain two significant numbers and use scientific notation

-0.0000896 retain two significant numbers and use scientific notation


Add three numbers after 1999 to form a seven digit number, so that it can be divided by your at the same time. What is the minimum number of seven digits?

1999000 divided by 2, 0199000 divided by 3, 11999000 divided by 7, 31999000 divided by 11, and the remaining 3 digits need to meet: 1, divided by 2, 02, divided by 3, 3-1 = 23, divided by 7, 7-3 = 44, divided by 11, 11-3 = 8

Add three numbers after 2011 to form a seven digit number, so that it can be divided by 2, 3, 5 and 11 respectively. What is the minimum number of seven digits?

That is, it can be divided by 2 * 3 * 5 * 11 = 330
2011000 ÷ 330 = 6093.9
There are
6094 ×330 = 2011020
Consistent and minimum