Using scientific notation: 700000

Using scientific notation: 700000


It should be calculated by scientific notation
1. If the average person needs 0.5kg of grain per day, how many kg of grain per day does the country need? (the population of the whole country is about 1.37 × 10, and the result is expressed by scientific notation)
2. It is estimated that the economic loss caused by land desertification in one day is about 150 million yuan. The economic loss caused by land desertification in China in one year is expressed by scientific counting method. (1 year is calculated as 365 days, and the results are expressed by scientific notation)

(1) The 9th power of 0.5x1.37x10 = the 8th power of 6.285x10
(2) 365x150 million yuan = the 10th power of 5.475x10

How to use scientific counting method to count, there must be an example of using numbers

For example, China has a population of more than 1.3 billion, and then ask you to use scientific counting method to express and keep two significant figures
The population of China is 1.3 * 10 ^ 9