The composition about visiting the Forbidden City is about 400 words Describe the appearance and main situation of the Forbidden City

The composition about visiting the Forbidden City is about 400 words Describe the appearance and main situation of the Forbidden City

Today, I went to the Forbidden City with my mother, brother and brother
In the Forbidden City, we first saw the hall of Supreme Harmony and the hall of Baohe. In every scenic spot, there is a story. For example, in the case of gold smuggling into Hong Kong, the big gold VAT was made by the emperor, but the Hushen painted gold on the outside to cheat the Emperor, fill one's own pocket.
There are 9999 houses in the Palace Museum, which is the largest and most perfect palace in the world
In the Forbidden City, there are many stories, including the Meridian Gate
In the Ming Dynasty, if a minister violated the emperor's dignity, he was bound out of front of the Meridian Gate and spanked on the east side of the imperial road for the crime of "rebelling against scale", which was called "tingzhang". At first, it was a symbolic beating, but later it developed into a beating to death. For example, in 1519, the Emperor Zhu houzhao ignored the sufferings of the people and went to Jiangnan to choose beautiful women, In addition, after Zhu Houxi, the emperor of Jiajing of Ming Dynasty, succeeded his cousin Zhu houzhao to the throne, he wanted to pursue his biological father Xingxian as emperor, which was resisted by the ministers. More than 100 ministers cried and admonished Zuo shunmen. The emperor ordered to punish him with tingzhang and killed 17 people on the spot, In fact, in front of the imperial palace of Ming and Qing Dynasties, it was extremely strict. The "beheading City Cao" of the prisoners was not here, but had to be taken to the execution ground of today's Xisi or Caishikou
Later, we saw some scenic spots and went home happily
What I yearn for most in Beijing is the huge ancient architectural complex the Forbidden City. When I was six years old, I wanted to visit the Forbidden City, but I never had the chance. This summer my mother's unit was going to visit Beijing, so I took this opportunity to go with my mother to Beijing. I realized my dream
Through the Tiananmen Gate, you will arrive at the Duanmen gate, and then through the Meridian Gate, you will arrive at the Forbidden City. The first thing that catches my eyes is a broad "square". According to the guide, this is the place where all the civil and military officials made their early dynasties. Walking in, it's like entering the great hall, which can stand about 800 people. In front is the famous Taihe hall, which is resplendent and magnificent, On the side of the golden throne stand two vivid red crowned cranes, and on both sides there are four big pillars surrounded by golden dragons, which can only be circled by two people holding hands. Below is the polished Taihu stone from the bottom of Taihu Lake. In China, this kind of Taihu stone is very rare and is said to be more valuable than yellow gold, The layout of each palace is almost the same, but it is not as good as the Taihe hall in front
Walking, I feel very tired, when a cool wind blowing, I suddenly spirit, just found that I walked into the royal garden. Large areas of green vegetation make people's eyes bright, steaming outside, I can't breathe the hot wind suddenly ran away, replaced by the shade of cool. On both sides of the stone board are luxuriant Platycladus orientalis, The rockeries are covered with green vegetation. The rockeries have been built by Taihu stones for three or four hundred years. They still feel so smooth. It can be seen that the ancient craftsmen spent a lot of effort to polish and polish them. The emperor's comfortable life was bought by the hardships of the common people. With a lingering mood, I walked out of the Forbidden City
What impresses me most this summer vacation is that I can visit the Forbidden City in Beijing, because it not only realizes my dream, but also makes me feel the charm of the grand and exquisite handicraft of the Forbidden City, as well as the exquisite skills and hard work of the ancient craftsmen. People's life is poor, oppressed at the bottom of society and deeply exploited. The lives of emperors and generals are comfortable, It's luxurious. The Palace Museum is watered with the sweat and blood of the common people. It's also a symbol of oppression and exploitation. It's also a miniature of the life of the emperor's ruling class
Today, I finally came to the place I always wanted to visit, the world-famous royal garden, and the Forbidden City, the place where Chinese emperors lived. There are many treasures and more than 8000 houses, which really opened my eyes. We first came to Tiananmen. There were two big stone lions at the gate, which seemed to be guarding Tiananmen. As soon as I entered Tiananmen, I was shocked, WOW! What a big city building! My mother asked me to take some pictures in Tiananmen Gate, and then I went into Duanmen gate, where a large number of armed police were training. I saw the orderly steps of those armed police, and listened to the loud voice. I secretly admired these armed police soldiers, who guarded Tiananmen Gate and the Forbidden City day and night
Then, we came to the Meridian Gate. The Meridian Gate is the main gate of the Forbidden City. It is majestic and tall. There are 81 studs on the left and right gates. The whole gate is red. Only the studs are gold. When we enter the Meridian Gate, wow! What a big square! It's much bigger than Tiananmen Gate! There are many big bricks hundreds of years ago, but there are good bricks, There are also bad bricks. The bad ones are rotten due to the wind and sun all the year round. The good ones are still intact, so we should take good care of them. Then we came to the hall of Supreme Harmony, which is commonly known as "Jinluan hall" and "one of the three Oriental halls". It is located in the important position of the north-south axis of the Forbidden City in Beijing, where the emperor summoned the ministers, and the pillars inside, The emperor's throne is all gold, and the floor is paved with stone commonly known as BRICs. I really admire the wisdom of the working people before. The big staircase in the middle of Taihe hall is for the emperor. On the emperor's chair, there is a big dragon carved. People call it dragon chair. Outside, the emperor walks along the Dragon Road carved with stone, and next to it, there is the minister's road, one by one
Then we came to the Royal Garden, where there are many hundred year old trees and crooked neck trees like dragons. Some of them are luxuriant in branches and leaves; some of them are luxuriant in only one branch; some of them are brown in trunk, and some of them are black brown in trunk. Some of them are built one by one, and some of them are very disordered. Some of them are buried in the soil, and we can't see their roots, I saw a stone mountain. There is a pavilion on the stone mountain, which is the view of the Yellow Emperor. There are stairs on the stone mountain, so it's very convenient to go up
The last day of my visit to the Forbidden City will never make me forget the significance of our visit

Composition about the Forbidden City in Beijing {about 200 words}

Hello, tourists from all over the world! Welcome to the "World Heritage" of the Forbidden City in Beijing. I'm Mr. Yuan's Guide from Hebei Province. Now I'd like to take you on a tour. The imperial palace of Ming and Qing Dynasties, also known as the Forbidden City, is located in the center of Beijing. It was built in the 4th to 18th year of Yongle reign of Ming Dynasty

To Beijing to play the composition of 400 words, mainly about the Forbidden City!

I don't know why, as time went by, the car drove to the gate of the Palace Museum. I walked into the gate with a nervous and excited mood. Most of the main halls in the Palace Museum are red walls and yellow tiles, and the interior decoration is elegant and dignified, full of royal style. It is said that there are more than 9000 rooms in the Palace Museum, and they are all made of wooden pieces, without a nail, It's hard to imagine that such a magnificent palace took only 14 years to complete. The most attractive ones in the Forbidden City are the "three main halls", Baohe hall, Taihe hall and Zhonghe hall. We first came to Baohe hall. I crowded into the crowd. Through the glass, I saw that the Emperor's daily necessities had no glory in the past, and all the old things seemed to tell real and old stories, It's a very humble small palace. Yes, it's the "Zhonghe hall", where the emperor changed his clothes when he went to court. Then came the "Taihe hall", where the emperor went to court. It was built on an eight meter high white jade platform with 12 rare birds and animals carved on the roof. In the hall, a dragon chair symbolizing the supremacy was placed upright in the middle, In addition to all kinds of palaces in the Forbidden City, even the bricks on the ground have some secrets. I heard that the bricks on the ground are carved with 999 kinds of characters and plants, and there are many historical stories. The happy time is always short. When I reluctantly leave the Forbidden City, I think the Forbidden City is the crystallization of the wisdom of the ancient working people, We must take good care of it, and we must learn to bring wealth to our descendants with our wisdom

Composition of the Palace Museum in Beijing

Dear friends, let me introduce myself first Today I will show you around the Palace Museum. Now I'll give you a brief introduction
The Forbidden City is located in the center of Beijing city. It is the imperial palace of Ming and Qing Dynasties. It is the largest, most magnificent and well preserved ancient royal palace in the world. It is also called the Forbidden City. The Forbidden City is the highest power center in China for more than five centuries. It has a large building complex of 9000 rooms with garden landscape and furniture and handicrafts, In 1987, the Forbidden City of Beijing was listed in the UNESCO World Heritage list
The Palace Museum faces south and has four doors. Dear friends, this is the main gate of the Palace Museum. It is called Meridian Gate, which means the sun shines all around at noon. Please see! On the 10 meter high wall, there are five Chonglou. The eaves on the top of the building are flying. From above, it looks like five Phoenix wings. Therefore, Meridian Gate is also called Wufeng Lou. It was built in 1420 AD and is located in the north of Duanmen
Dear friends, now we have entered the Forbidden City. This is the first courtyard of the Forbidden City. Five white marble bridges appear in front of us first. They symbolize five virtues, namely benevolence, righteousness, propriety, wisdom and faith. They mean that the emperor has good qualities. Under the Jinshui bridge is neijinshui River. Crossing the Jinshui bridge, you will come to taihemen square, This is the place where all officials were waiting to drive when Emperor Yumen of Ming Dynasty was in charge
Now we come to the most important courtyard of the Forbidden City, Taihe hall and its square. This is where the royal family held the grand ceremony. OK! Here you can take a panoramic view of Taihe hall in the distance. You can take a picture here. I'll introduce Taihe hall to you later
Dear friends, the hall of Taihe in front of us is the highest level building in the Forbidden City. It was only used when the emperor held a grand ceremony to symbolize the supremacy of imperial power. The hall of Taihe, commonly known as Jinluan hall, is an outstanding example of the existing wooden structure hall in China. The hall of Taihe was first built in 1420, then called Fengtian hall. Later, it was called Huangji hall. After emperor Shunzhi of the Qing Dynasty ascended the throne, three halls were rebuilt, And changed Huangji hall into Taihe hall
Taihe hall is 35 meters high, 64 meters long from east to west, 33 meters wide from north to south, and covers an area of 2377 square meters. It has 11 rooms wide and 5 rooms deep, and its scale is the largest in the Forbidden City. The decoration is painted with the highest level of Golden Dragon and seal. The top of the hall is the top of the highest level of double eaves veranda. Even the kissing beast on the main ridge of the hall is the largest in China at present, That is the embodiment of the emperor's thought that "Laozi is the first in the world"
After seeing the hall of Supreme Harmony, let's take a look at the hall of middle harmony again. Please look! The hall of middle harmony is the place where the emperor waits for the auspicious time and has a rest before the grand ceremony. Now, please come with me to visit the hall of Baohe, the state banquet hall at that time
Dear friends, this hall is the last of the three halls in the former dynasties of the Forbidden City. It is called Baohe hall. This hall is known as the state banquet hall and imperial examination hall of the Qing Dynasty. It was built in the reign of Emperor Qianlong