How to write a composition of 400 words in the Palace Museum of Beijing

How to write a composition of 400 words in the Palace Museum of Beijing

400 words composition of the Palace Museum in Beijing
I've been wandering with my father since I was a child. There are many places to go, but I can't get a few of them out of my mouth. It's so easy to come to Beijing, the capital of the motherland. I can't help but feel excited and happy. After all, this is the heart of China
Today's weather, good, cloudless, my heart will follow the weather, cool and refreshing. Feel only travel will bring not annoying sweat slowly down the neck, and then by the cool breeze unconsciously blow it dry, enjoying the warmth of the golden sun, my heart, in dealing with the moment in Tiananmen Square, rolling, shaking
Yes, the seed planted since childhood, which is the deepest in my heart, has finally sprouted at this moment. From kindergarten to now, I can never be tired of singing in my heart. I love Beijing Tiananmen Square, which is finally presented in front of my eyes. It's like seeing a dragon. I have a magical feeling and some inexplicable impulse. I want to rush past and touch the city wall with my hands after years of reincarnation and baptism, The Tiananmen Gate Tower that can stand the scour and test of history
When my feet, gently step into the weathered bluestone board, there is a little bit of desolation, a little bit of shock, a little bit of admiration, and a little bit of desolation. I understand that I stepped on the footprints of my ancestors, stepped into the sacred, solemn, broad-minded, gorgeous palace, and stepped into the long river of history
Looking at the red walls, orange glazed tiles, polished steps and exquisite statues, I can see the people of ancient times, the palace maids, eunuchs and ministers working here every day. I can imagine what happened at that time and place. The emperor called the ministers to the court early in the morning, The ministers bowed to the emperor to report the situation of the country in recent days. The palace maids brought tea, food and so on for the concubines. Did they ever think that hundreds of years later, it would become a holy land for all people, so I suddenly felt like a witness of history, watching the rise and fall of the dynasty, seeing everything here clearly
Walking through Meridian Gate, Zhonghe hall and Baohe hall is like crossing time and space, crossing Qianqing gate, Qianqing palace and Jiaotai hall. Looking back, I can see the blue slate lining the red tile roofed house. My eyes are intertwined with these ancient masterpieces. The quietness and serenity of royal garden, the elegance of Qianqiu Pavilion and Wanchun pavilion are also closely integrated with my heart
At this time, the scenery is already secondary. What I pay attention to is not the house, the floor or the big tree. What attracts me more is the culture, history, technology and humanities carried by this land
When I stepped out of the Shenwu gate, my heart relaxed. I was deeply moved by the charm of the Forbidden City. When I look back, the Forbidden City is bright and lively