The two passenger and freight cars of Party A and Party B start at the same time. When they meet, the distance ratio of the two cars is 6:5. After meeting, the freight car is 12 kilometers faster than the passenger car per hour. At last, the two cars arrive at the other side's starting point at the same time. It takes 12 hours for the freight car to complete the whole journey. How many kilometers is the distance between Party A and Party B?

The two passenger and freight cars of Party A and Party B start at the same time. When they meet, the distance ratio of the two cars is 6:5. After meeting, the freight car is 12 kilometers faster than the passenger car per hour. At last, the two cars arrive at the other side's starting point at the same time. It takes 12 hours for the freight car to complete the whole journey. How many kilometers is the distance between Party A and Party B?

Analysis: two cars arrived at the same time, and it took 12 hours for truck B to complete the whole journey, so bus a also took 12 hours. From the title, we can see that the speed of bus a is the same, but after meeting, it takes the same time because it arrives at the same time, and the distance ratio of Party A and Party B is 5:6, so the speed ratio is 5:6, After meeting, the speed of B is y + 12 12Y = x (the speed of a multiplied by time equals the distance) (y + 12) / y = 6 / 5 (the speed of B is 6:5 faster than that of a) y = 60 x = 720

Use 1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9 to form three three digit numbers (each number is used only once), so that the largest three digit number is divided by 3 and the remaining 2 is as small as possible; the second largest three digit number is divided by 3 and the remaining 1; the smallest three digit number can be divided by 3. Then, what is the largest three digit number?

two hundred and fifty-six
one hundred and eighty-nine
The biggest is 347

The numbers of - 3 and 2 - 5 and - 40 and - 7 - 0.5 and - 1.56 and - 60 and 8 were compared

0 is less than all positive numbers, so 0-7
Negative numbers are less than positive numbers, so - 3-6
The greater the value after the minus sign, the smaller the number, so - 5-1.5