Rearrange a three digit number to get the maximum three digits minus the minimum three digits, which is exactly equal to the original number, then what is the three digit number? I just scraped up 495. Is there any other way to get this number?

Rearrange a three digit number to get the maximum three digits minus the minimum three digits, which is exactly equal to the original number, then what is the three digit number? I just scraped up 495. Is there any other way to get this number?

Let Y > x > Z, the original three digit number 100z + 10Y + X or 100x + 10Y + Z. in the first case (100y + 10x + Z) - (100z + 10x + y) = 100z + 10Y + x minus Z-Y, we need to borrow, 10 + Z-Y = X... 1 ten digit minus the same borrow, and y = 9.. 2 hundred minus y-1-z = Z.. 3, we get x = 5, y = 9, z = 4. In the second case, there is no solution, so the original three digit number is 495

How many μ m is 1 mm?

1 meter = 10 decimeter = 100 cm = 1000 mm = 10 ^ 6 micron = 10 ^ 9 nanometer
So 1 mm = 1000 microns

How much silk is 1 mm

1 mm is a thread