Conversion of physical units and scientific counting of final results 800cm²= = m² 15dm²= = cm² The 7th power of 3 × 10 mm & sup2; = = M & sup2; The fourth power of 5 × 10 is ml = = L 2.5m³= = = mL 30m/s= = km/h 0.09m/s= = cm/min

Conversion of physical units and scientific counting of final results 800cm²= = m² 15dm²= = cm² The 7th power of 3 × 10 mm & sup2; = = M & sup2; The fourth power of 5 × 10 is ml = = L 2.5m³= = = mL 30m/s= = km/h 0.09m/s= = cm/min

800cm & sup2; = 800 * (0.01M) ^ 2 = 8.00 * 10 ^ - 2 M & sup2; 15dm & sup2; = 15 * (10cm) & sup2; = 1500 CM & sup2; 3 × 10 7th power mm & sup2; = 3 × 10 7th power * (0.001 m) & sup2; = 30m & sup2; 5 × 10 4th power ml = 5 × 10 4th power * (0.001 L) = 50 l2.5m & sup3

In 1918, Shapley came to the conclusion that the Milky way is a large lenticular object with a diameter of 100000 light years, and the sun is in the ()

If you remember correctly, in that model, the sun is at the center of the Milky way, mainly because it ignores the effect of interstellar dust on the dim light of distant stars. There is a book about this, which is written by Ken crosswell

The diameter of the Milky way is about 100000 light-years, and the solar system is about in the center of the Milky way
Is it right or wrong\
It should be on the edge\\\
Thank you\\\

30000 light-years from the center of the galaxy
It's neither the center nor the edge