How many times the mass of the sun is that of the earth?

How many times the mass of the sun is that of the earth?

The volume of the sun is 1.3 million times that of the earth, the mass is 330000 times that of the earth, and the average density is 1.4 g / cm3
The weight of the sun is 270 times that of the moon. Compared with the moon, the sun is just like the ratio of an elephant to an ant. The distance between the sun and the earth is 150 million kilometers, which is 400 times the distance between the moon and the earth. The sun is a hot gas ball. From the surface to the center, the temperature is getting higher and higher. The central area has about 16 million degrees Celsius and 300 billion atmospheres. A huge nuclear reaction zone is formed in the center of high temperature and high pressure, It is composed of hydrogen and helium. When hydrogen is converted into helium, it can release great energy, which is called nuclear fusion reaction. The energy released in nuclear fusion reaction radiates around in the form of electromagnetic wave, which is often called solar radiation. Since the sun was formed 5 billion years ago, it has continuously released great energy, It is estimated that this state can last for another 5 billion years. The surface layer of the sun seen by the naked eye is the "photosphere", the periphery of which is the "chromosphere", and the outermost layer is the "corona". These layers constitute the sun's atmosphere. The sun also has rotation and revolution, and the rotation period is about 25 days in the solar equatorial zone, It is about 35 days in the polar region and about 250 million years in the revolution period (assuming zero orbital eccentricity)

How far is Saturn from the earth?

Scientific counting method can omit small orders of magnitude
For example, can 10 ^ (- 7) and 10 ^ (- 4) omit the number of 10 ^ (- 7), three orders of magnitude or four or five,

The difference is 3 or more