The speed of the earth around the sun is about 11000km / h, and the speed of sound in the air is about 340m / s

The speed of the earth around the sun is about 11000km / h, and the speed of sound in the air is about 340m / s

The former is bigger than the latter

The speed of the earth's revolution around the sun is about 1.1 * 10 ^ 5km / h. The faster the sound travels in the air is 330m / s. try to compare the two speeds

1km = 1000m, there are 60 minutes in an hour, 60 seconds in minutes, so there are 3600 seconds in an hour
1 * 10 ^ 5km / h = 110000000 / 3600m / S = 30556m / s
This number is much larger than the sound. So the earth must rotate fast

The speed of the earth's revolution around the sun is about 1.1 * 10 ^ 5km / h, and the faster the sound travels in the air is 1.2 * 10 ^ 3km/
Which is the speed of the earth's revolution greater than that of sound?

So the earth goes around the sun faster
Compare the size of scientific counting method
The first is to look at 10 times