How many square decimeters is 7 square meters and 50 square decimeters

How many square decimeters is 7 square meters and 50 square decimeters

7 square meters 50 square decimeters equals 7.5 square decimeters = 7 and 1 / 2 square decimeters

4 square decimeter = () hectare = () square meter 840 kg = () ton 4700 g = () kg () g

5.4 square decimeter = (0.0000054) hectare = (0.054) square meter
4700 g = (4) kg (700) g

How to simplify two fifths to one third?

Hello, I'm glad to answer your question! This question is simplified
2 / 5:1 / 3 at the same time * 15
The result is 6:5
So the result is 6:5
When simplifying fraction ratio, both sides can be multiplied by two common denominator multiples at the same time
For example, this problem is 5 and 3 is 15, both sides at the same time * 15
After that, change both sides into integers. If you can change them, you can continue to change them. If you can't change them, that's the result
Hope to help you, if you have any questions, please put forward in the follow-up!