The perimeter of a rectangle is 4 / 7 meter, and the length is 1 / 5 meter. How many square meters should the rectangle be? (widening by different methods) Please friends, urgent How to make a formula

The perimeter of a rectangle is 4 / 7 meter, and the length is 1 / 5 meter. How many square meters should the rectangle be? (widening by different methods) Please friends, urgent How to make a formula

4 / 7 divided by 2 equals length and width, and then subtracts length to get width, that is, width = 4 / 7 / 2-1 / 5 = 3 / 35, area = length times width = 1 / 5 * 3 / 35 = 3 / 175. Another solution can use the equation: let width be x 4 / 7 = (1 / 5 + x) * 2 to solve x = 3 / 35, area = "same as above"

A rectangle is divided into 4 parts on average. The area of the rectangle is 3 square meters. The area represented by the shadow is () which is equivalent to several parts of 3 square meters

The shadow represents an area of 0.75 square meters, equivalent to 3 / 4 of 3 square meters

The area of the rectangle is 5 / 2 square meters. The shadow is 5 / 2 of the area of the rectangle. Find the area of the shadow

S shadow = (5 / 2) * (5 / 2) = 25 / 4 M2